
I'm still here

You know how new year's resolutions go...you make them.  And then you kinda forget about them/stop following them within a few months.  I really need to start blogging again.  I like it.  I don't know why I've been so distant.

I need a boost.

And hopefully it'll come back.

Until now,
Here are some lovely things.

This lovely and interesting photograph.

This lovely reminder.

This lovely photograph that I wish was a painting.

This lovely, adorable dog that I need and want and love.

This lovely coffee poster.  I want it for my future kitchen. 

This lovely set of polaroids by Grant Hamilton.  I love the colors.

I hope you all have a wonderful day.  I'm off to Ada, Oklahoma to cheer on a friend when he graduates from High School.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Is that photograph of rain through the window yours? Because it's awesome.
    And yeah, that dog is adorable.
