
Raise your hand if you think this blog could use a new post!

*raises every limb*

So, hi guys.
I've been a mixture of lazy and busy this summer, so it definitely shows up on my blog.  Here are a few things that have been up in my life over the past month and a halfish.

I really wanna start blogging again.  Maybe this'll be the push that I need.

So, I went to Scotland.

I had a blast.  It was so so so beautiful.

I've shot some weddings.  Some favorites:

I've been spending time with my best friend, Marielle, and with my family.  It's been wonderful.  I've also been enjoying my lovely boyfriend's buzzed head and hairy beard.  I love the people in my life.

I got tickets to see my all time favorite band in the world in September in Dallas: Bon Iver.  I may die.  Also, I like prepositional phrases.

I did a family shoot this evening.  Here's my favorite of their little darling, Gracie:

Harry Potter comes out in theaters within 5 days.  Guess who is going to miss the premiere because she'll be out of the country?  This girl.  Guess who's also really quite upset about it.  Yup, you guessed it.  But in lieu of buying tickets for the midnight premiere about six months early, I made this little bugger.  

Ooooh, how I wish those books weren't fictional.

I'll catch up more pretty soon.  I need some serious sleep.  Goodnight, darlins.

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