
Resolutions for 2011

I have never, ever followed through on my New Year's resolutions.
This year, I am determined to.
Now, my list may look crazy long and insane, but I have faith.

Here we go:
1) Blog regularly
2) 365 (Photo a day)
3) Exercise regularly
4) Eat more healthfully
5) Write to my grandparents
6) Tithe
7) Save some $$$
8) Get a job I enjoy
9) Meet Elsie
10) Learn how to embroider/crochet/knit/sew (better)
11) Spend more time drinking tea and reading books.
12) Play outside more.
13) Expand my style horizons
14) Get published again
15) Strive to be a role model
16) Find a church home
17) Learn piano
18) Make new friends and don't be shy
19) Get a lab puppy
20) Feel good about myself every day.
21) Get organized.

I am especially ambitious this year.

Ps...that's my list of goals and resolutions, but the flash from my Macbook screen is a little too bright.

Also, on my way driving back form OKC, I listened to the entire GAYNGS relayted album.
So. Dang. Good.


  1. found you via elsie- as a fellow new blogger, i'm really digging your resolutions list!

    lab puppies are the best.

  2. Some more resolutions, since yours were obviously too easy and uncomplicated:

    -Eat more bitter, chewy grapes.
    -Call guys named "Dan" or "Armando" on the phone, even when you don't know them.
    -Enter a watermelon seed-spitting contest prep club, and be the winner (easy for you).
    -Take out library cards in cities like Du Quion, Illinois, even though you don't live there.
    -Make a list of reverse resolutions, like how many dogs you won't kick and how many times you won't be rude to that guy at the grocery store.
    -Visit richardbarron.net five times a day, and never get bored. One day in August realize that this comment was totally self-serving spam for his web site.
    -Take more pictures in mirrors, but not of yourself (this one is tough).
    -Don't fear the reeker.
    -Stare with dignity.
    -Don't reply to this comment with "What-EVER!"
    -Hide the past at all costs. If someone asks you about it, tell them you haven’t seen it.
    -Wish you were as cool as Richard Barron. Lay awake nights worrying about it.
