
The Civil Wars [image heavy!]

Okay, I love music.  But who doesn't, ya know?  There are rarely albums that I listen to where I don't care what track plays because they are all so good.  Well, Barton Hollow, The Civil War's new (debut) album is one of those.
The Civil Wars is a two-person folk band consisting of the Johnny-Depp-Look-alike John Paul White and the stunning Joy Williams.  Their voices harmonize beautifully together, and each melody or verse leaves no disappointment.
They mesh so well, leaving the listener wanting more.
So. Much. More.

And tonight, I got more.
The Civil Wars came to Oklahoma City tonight for a show.
David Ramirez opened, and he was fantastic, soulful, and really entertaining.

I can't even begin to describe how amazing the show was.
Joy and John Paul somehow become one and really connect onstage.  Their energy and chemistry is unmatched.  It's just freaking ridiculous.
They are a joy to watch and an even bigger joy to listen to.
I pray that they bless Oklahoma again with their presence.

After the show, they kindly and patiently waited on people wanting autographs (like me), pictures (like me) or short conversations (like me.)
I proposed to both of them awkwardly.
So, sometime soon, I'm moving to Utah where polygamy is not too frowned upon and I am marrying both Joy Williams and John Paul White.
And we will live happily ever after while they make music and I take pictures.

As much as that would rock, there is no way on earth that I would leave my darling boy behind.  I love him too much.

But The Civil Wars are inspiring and amazing.  And Joy is sweet and John Paul is sincere and kind.
And I found that out within the five minutes of talking with them.

Ahhhh.  I am on a Civil Wars high.

Here are a few pictures from the show.
Also, here are a few 365's.

[David Ramirez]

[The Civil Wars]





[66/365...and my favorite shot from the show]

Oh... :)

I am incredibly sleepy.
Goodnight to you. :)


  1. oh my gosh. haha. i just took a picture sunday that i'm planning on posting tomorrow that looks almost exactly like your 63/35. even the processing looks the same. hilarious. (and those trees smell so bad, but they're so pretty!)

    i started listening to the civil wars this summer while i was in ethiopia...my trip leader turned me onto them, he and his wife are good friends with Joy. i need to work on becoming friends with more nashville people. ;)

  2. Wow. You are lucky! they're amazing, and the shots look GREAT! i love your 365, especially 63. it's BEAUTIFUL!
