
Going and going and going.

Good evening, fascinating people.
I'm sorry for being, well, not here.
I've been all over the place, it's seemed like and I've hardly had time to breathe.
Let me catch you up:

This past Sunday, my wonderful boyfriend and I celebrated one year together.  YAY!  It was a big deal for both of us and we're really happy to be in each other's lives.  It's crazy that we met at a concert, I think and now...this.  *sigh*

Last night (Tuesday) was Ethan's birthday.  I drove to OKC for the night and surprised him.  His reaction was priceless--I wish it was filmed.  We ate dessert and went bowling.  I did horribly at bowling, but it was ladies' night at the alley, so I was free! Holla!  We all had a good time.  Laker and Garon dominated an entire game in, like, 8 minutes and 36 seconds.  And Laker's score was 121.  Pretty impressive for what seemed like tossing the ball down the lane randomly.  Ethan beat me both games, much to my dismay (Sometimes, I'm too competitive).  It was a lovely evening--that ended close to 1 am--and I had fun with Ethan, Sydney, Laker, and Garon.

As you can tell, my 365 and I have a love/hate relationship.  I hate getting behind/not being inspired, and my 365 loves nagging away at the back of my mind.  I think this post will catch me up, though.

I have one week after this one until Spring Break.  I cannot wait.

I get to see The Civil Wars and The Rocketboys next week in OKC.  I am beyond excited.  The Civil Wars is a new favorite band and they are so so magical.  Go buy their album, Barton Hollow, at amazon.com--for the entire month of March, it's only $5.  And I guarantee you it'll be one of the best $5 spent of your life.

Today, I filmed a skit for a TV show I'm (hopefully) going to be in.  It's filmed, scripted and directed all by my friend, Steven, and some of my improv troupe.  Should be pretty nifty.

Romans 12 has been showing up in my life like no other scripture ever.  I encourage you to go read it.  Ahhh.  God is good.

I promise to be more inspired and not so crazy soon.  I think since we're getting in the thick of midterms and what not, things are a little hectic.  But everything slows down with time.

And now, drumroll please...my 365! Yayyyy!!
I shouldn't be that excited.  I'm just glad to be caught up (even if it's not by best work...soon, I'll try and get something mind-blowing).

56/365 (Straight out of camera, and overexposed)






Well, now I just don't know what to do with myself.
Maybe I'll make something.  Or clean my ever-disgusting room.


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