
So far, so interesting.

This week has been interesting.  I feel kind of apathetic about nearly everything lately.
I was planning on going to UCO this weekend to enroll, but due to some errors from a school I took concurrent classes in in HS, my application process is pushed back about 3 weeks.  Needless to say, I was not a happy camper when I found that out.
The thought of me enrolling early just got rid of that much stress.  Since that's not happening this weekend, it's still weighing down on me.  Very heavily.

But, you know, God knows what I need.  He knew I needed a little break.
And that came in 3 ways today.

1) During WOW at lunch today, we had a secret service agent come to speak the message.  He was a really interesting guy--was a member of the bodyguard group for Presidents Clinton and Bush Jr. and now he works on campus here.  He was up close and person with the OKC bombings and of 9/11.  He told us his testimony, which was exactly what I needed to hear...it's awesome how God does things like that.  He talked about how on his exterior, he was tough and composed and strong, but on his insides, he was scared and anxious and confused.  He know that he needed God.  And he said God is the King of peace--that He's always there, even in our midst of confusion and desperation and anxiety.  I think this semester has been the hardest here yet.  Not only because of classes and lots of homework and studying all that with transferring and finding where to live and what job to have, but it's also the most difficult because my three best friends from school aren't here to keep me company.  I feel alone a lot, which I've actually adapted to pretty well, I think.  But it's still hard.  I keep to myself a lot.  And sometimes I don't, but mostly, I am by myself.  But I think it's helped me to grow, as well.

2) My mom called me and told me that she had spoken to a bunch of her friends in Edmond and talked real estate, rental houses, finances, etc etc etc with them.  It's good to know that my mom wants to help me out. I am fortunate for my parents to be extremely, extremely giving.  They know I need them, even if I want to be independent.  I will always accept their help, if I'm definitely gonna need it.  And come this fall, I'll need it.

3) Madison, one of the girls I'm rooming with this coming year is taking summer school in Weatherford, which postpones our original plan to move into OKC in June.  And even though that changes the plan, it also adds more flexibility, more time spent at home, and less money spent.  So, that's a blessing.

Yesterday, Jack's Mannequin came to TU for a free show for students.  It was neat.  I wasn't really too into it, but I'm really glad I went, because it reminded me about how much I've changed and have grown since the last time I saw them live, which was 2 years ago.
It also made me really really really reeeeeaaalllyy thankful for my boyfriend, Ethan, to whom I never give enough credit.  I am SO happy I met him and that he's in my life.

In other news, I really think I have developed, or whatever you do, some sort of adult-onset asthma.  It runs in my family, and overnight this past weekend it seemed like, I have been having some breathing difficulties.  It's mainly not being able to fill my lungs up all the way when I inhale.  I'm going to get it checked out.

I think for the month of March, I've blogged like 10 times.  Not impressive.
But I have been either ridiculously lazy or insanely busy.
Where's the happy medium?  I hope it's not this lame apathy.

I'm really ready for the summer.
It's nearly here.

I cannot wait.
I haven't been keeping up with the 365's.
(I'm so not good with this...what happens with I have children?)

I owe you all 7, I think.

I'm off to skype with my lovely boy and then hit the hay.

Good evening.


  1. i love reason number one, and good luck on finding a place to live in the fall!

  2. Free JM?!?
    I think they were the first band we connected about.
