
Thankful Thursday

My posts can be dull...especially since I generally only post once a day and they vary between my 365 catching up and my posts about catching up in my life.

Well, ya know, I'm a girl who appreciates life and variety!

So, beginning now, I'll do this thing called "Thankful Thursday."
I'll conjure up a list of things I'm thankful for.
I want to always use some scripture or an inspiring quote.

Along with Thankful Thursdays, I think I'll start doing Fancy Fridays, which will be things I love, or as the Brits would say, things I "fancy."

And probably some more things to make this blog "more hip" as you young'ns say.

Here we go for the beginning of Thankful Thursdays:

- I am thankful that Hulu has the Food Network on it.  It really rocks.

- I am thankful for my dad.  I am so blessed by his love, his presence, his generosity, his care, his words and wisdome.
I realize that I am blessed just to have a dad.  
I'm really glad my dad is my dad.

- I am thankful for my motivation in running lately.  

- I am thankful for this much needed reminder:

I hope that when we wake up, we not only arise from our slumber, but we also give of ourselves to others, to the world, to love.  May we wake up to the beauty of the world, the beauty of life.

What are you thankful for?

1 comment:

  1. I almost want a huge print or painting hanging right across from my bed that says "Wake up" now...it'd be a fun/motivational thing to see first thing in the morning. Neat things. :)
