
All my love, Bon Iver

Yesterday was a highlight of my life.
Big time.

Almost immediately after class, Ethan, Aubry, Brandon and I drove down to Dallas to the Winspear Opera House (which is the best, most stunning venue ever) to see my all time favorite band, Bon Iver.  I had waiting years to see them, people.  Literally, years.

Aubry and I found out that Bon Iver was going to be near us while we were in Scotland.  Ethan texted me the news and then we spent the day trying to figure things out and coordinate a plan while not having internet and phone calls costing way too much.  During the entire trip to Scotland, my phone would die within an hour.  The battery sucked.  The day we found out about the show, I had less than 20 percent battery life on my phone and it stuck it out while I was trying to communicate with mom about buying 3 tickets.

The actual time when we had no idea if we could get them or not to the time we found out we did have them lasted maybe a few hours, but they were probably the longest hours of my life.

So, we get to the show in time to buy a bon iver shirt, look at people, and catch the last few songs of the opener, Kathleen Edwards, who is incredibly talented.
After a 25 minute intermission, the show began.
I was sitting between two people whom I love so much, Ethan (who is my boyfriend of a year and half, if you didn't know) and Aubry, who is my forever roommate and a dear, dear friend.
They played all of my favorite songs from For Emma, Bon Iver, and their EP, Blood Bank.
Here's a list of my favorites they played:
Re: Stacks (Justin did a solo version of this without any other band member.  It was beautiful),
Skinny Love,
For Emma,
Creature Fear, and
Blood Bank (in which I cried from joy, from being there with Ethan, and from seeing it live.  Ethan and I really bonded over Bon Iver when we first met and the first painting I gave him had "Blood Bank" lyrics.  You know those songs that  speak volumes?  Yeah, Blood Bank is one for us).

It was so, so, so great.

I didn't want it to end.  I will see them again very soon.

After the show, we kind of snuck to the stage entrance and hung out/chatted with most of the band members.  Justin didn't appear, which was disappointing, but I understand why.
Plus, it was okay, because Aubry and I met and talked with him last year in October (also one of the best moments of my life).

Mike, the bassist, said that Justin didn't want to get too big of a head, so he doesn't interact with fans much.  He wants to stay grounded and humble, which I respect.
But on the other hand, fans are an important aspect of any musicians career and life.  I think making himself known (especially to the handful of dedicated people who stayed an hour and a half after the show to see/meet him) would be nice every once in a while.  But I can't complain at all.

If and when I see and talk to him again, I won't say "OMG, I'm like your biggest fan (even though I think I am).  I'd merely thank him for creating and writing sensational, moving music.  Because that is hard to find these days.

I'll post pictures up from the show tomorrow, I think.
I've got homework to do and work to go to.

Oh, by the way, if you're a Bon Iver lover,
go listen to the new, live version of Blood Bank.  You'll probably either love or hate it.  I loved it.

A whole live show is available for free download, including "Blood Bank" right HERE.

Have you seen any incredible shows/concerts lately?

1 comment:

  1. I was there. Row AAA seat 1. Seeing these guys play their hearts out and pour their souls into every note was inspiring. Everything was incredible. The sound, the venue, the atmosphere, the emotion in every single song. I closed my eyes from time to time to just feel the music. I had to hold back from screaming, "THIS IS FUCKING AMAZING!". Second concert ever. It'll be impossible to top.
