
Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.

There are two people who popped into my mind immediately upon reading today's challenge.
My mom and my dad.

My mom and dad have been divorced since I was 5 (or 6, I can't recall).  But they've still put in all they can in order to create a good home for my brother and me.  I am blessed in the fact that I see them both pretty regularly (living 3 hours away limits my time spent with them).  They live in the same town, which is a blessing to my brother--and me when I come home.  My parents have an odd divorce--they are still one hundred percent involved in my life.  They still communicate and are friendly.  They both support me to the best of their abilities.

I regretably do not have a recent picture of my dad and I or my mom and I on this computer. (I'm away from the land of wireless for the weekend and am now using my mom's ghetto desktop :P)

But just know that there would be two pictures for today--one of my mom and me and one of my dad and me.
I love them so much and never thank them enough for all they do for broseph and me.

By the way... my brother's name actually isn't broseph.  It's Micah. :)

I'm home for the weekend, and I love it.
Southwestern Oklahoma is where it's at.

1 comment:

  1. Parents are amazing human beings. at least to some children! great post.
